Thursday, April 14, 2011

April Snow

It's a regular winter storm out there, with blowing snow and whiteness. I must be so used to it, because it doesn't bother me. It's forgivable for the way it temporarily covers all the spring drabness in a blanket of purity. It does kind of suck knowing that my dad has to be out plowing the roads when it hits where they live, though. As for me, I'm super-spoiled lately and don't ever have to go far if I don't want, so today it'll just be a quick grocery store jaunt and over to the arts centre where I volunteer on Thursdays. And right now, I get to enjoy the beautiful swirling from the upstairs window, in my cozy sweater and my mom's old knitted slipper socks.

I don't even know why I'm posting this right now. Maybe I just want connection to the outside world, and I like the feel of my fingers on the keyboard. I guess those are reasons enough. Alas, I will listen to Ani's song "Soft Shoulder" and finish my coffee.


  1. I often don't post what I write because I feel like I don't have a good enough reason. But you've reminded me here that reflecting on the simple things in life, that seem to have no tangible purpose or function, can be beautiful and inspiring. So, thanks for writing.

  2. aw, thanks Sarah!
    I've found that with your blog, you being you is good for me to read, because it makes me feel human, too, does that make sense? I hope so!
